Quick Tip: Understanding Your Customers’ Needs
Interested in understanding your customers’ needs? If you’ve done all of your research and created specific, targeted buyer personas, then you know exactly what your buyers are reading. But are you taking the time to read it yourself? Here’s are some quick tips for digesting what your buyers are reading on a regular basis so you can create content that addresses their recent concerns.
Subscribe to content that matters
Reading is easier when it comes straight to your email. As a marketer, you should already be aware of that. But it’s so easy to ignore those daily or weekly emails.
That’s why you should create a folder specifically for all of the reading material you’ve subscribed to, to better understand your customers. Name it something relevant, and set aside time to review the pieces you think matter most to your audience. It doesn’t have to be for too long; a half hour or hour every week will be enough to ensure you stay up-to-date.
Use Quora
Quora is a great place for users to ask questions. Often, subject matter experts in your field will post helpful links for understanding concepts. Keep an eye out for these.
To understand your customers’ needs, regularly search relevant terms on Quora. With new technologies and methodologies always on the horizon, you’re bound to get unique results each time you visit.
Bookmark your favorites
There’s nothing worse than finding a goldmine of information and then losing it because you didn’t save it. Either create a spreadsheet where you save all of the helpful links and guides you find, or bookmark it in your browser. There are even apps like Pocket that will help you manage things you want to view later. Making it a practice to save sites or articles for later viewing will help you out when you need to return to generate new content ideas.
But it’s not just about content. Understanding your customers’ needs is also about gaining insight into what services or features your customers want and how they prefer to be contacted. This is relevant to your social media, email, and PPC strategies.
It’s important to stay up-to-date with what your customers are interested in as their needs change. So make sure you set aside time every week to invest in what they’ve already invested in. You’ll thank us, as you’ll be well on your way to better understanding your customers’ needs.
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DemandZEN specializes in Account-Based Demand Generation and solving the challenges around finding, engaging and converting target accounts into real opportunities for B2B Technology and Services companies.