Reasons to Conduct a Marketing Survey

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DemandZEN - blog - marketing survey

If you have questions that only your customers can answer about your product and user experience, then you need to conduct a marketing survey. There are a myriad of goals in putting together a survey, but the end result is still your customer telling you exactly what they need.

Let’s take a look at three reasons why you might send out a survey.

Learn about your customers

The primary reason that anyone conducts a marketing survey is to learn who their customers are. What are their interests outside of your product? What industries do they work in? What problems do they have?

Asking these questions allows you to create more targeted marketing campaigns. It also allows you to update (or create) buyer personas based on actual data, as opposed to your own, personal insights. Intuition is great for so many things, but it’s important to back things up with evidence.

Additionally, asking about your customers’ personal interests allows you to find patterns in their behaviors. You can even take it a step further once you know their hobbies and ask what websites or publications most interest them—now you have a great starting point for where to place display ads.

But acquiring this information isn’t just about retargeting current customers, it’s about finding new prospects. Generating valuable, qualified leads starts and ends with knowing who your target prospects are. That starts with knowing who is buying your product or service. This is important for your marketing and sales team. Conducting this type of survey regularly also allows you to track changes in who your customers are. Never take for granted that you know your customers—industries evolve so quickly, it’s important to stay up-to-date.

Get to know your product

Knowing your customers is one thing, but how well do you know your own product? Or rather, how aware are you of how your customers perceive your product?

This is another case where assumptions about how your product is regarded can set you up for failure. Sending a marketing survey out to your customers allows you to learn about weaknesses you weren’t aware of and surprise benefits. It’s not just about what you think the benefits are.

When products and services are first packaged, marketers deem certain features more beneficial than others. But over time, you might find that a feature that seems standard to you is actually a huge reason why people love your product.

Gaining insight into what your customers value allows you to position your marketing more effectively. Highlight those features that your customers love—and you’ll only know what those features are if you ask.

Make your audience feel heard

Finally, conducting a marketing survey is a great way to make your audience feel heard. It’s one more method for keeping that connection between you and your customer after they’ve already purchased.

When a company asks for input, it makes the respondent feel like their voice matters to the company. So, be a company that cares about what your customers have to say. Just make sure your questions don’t lead customers to specific answers. Let them answer open-ended questions. Give them a space to vent frustration, or sing your praises.

Even if a customer is frustrated with your company or your product, allowing them a chance to tell you that directly is a win for you. They feel that their problem is being addressed, and you’re aware of ways to approve.

Now that you know just why you need one, check out our marketing survey best practices.

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