How to Stay Motivated as SDRs, Even After a Hang Up

Stay Motivated as SDRs

Our SDRs dial about 100 times a day. Out of those 100, they’ll have between 5 to 10 actual business conversations each day, and the rest are hang-ups, or “too busy,”and “call me back later.” DemandZEN SDRs do a great job motivating and supporting one another, and our team engagement strategy is all about celebrating the wins beyond the sales bell. However, hang-ups can still be taxing on even our most seasoned SDRs. 

It’s human nature to get frustrated or burnt out after repeated hang-ups. But the good news is, there are practical ways to get back on your A-game with the added support of your fellow SDRs. Here are three strategies our team uses to stay motivated:

  1. Don’t Take it Personally

Sometimes there’s that one hangup, either before or after the pitch, that really hurts. However, it’s important for SDRs to remember the person on the other end of the line receives on average ten cold calls a day. They are busy, and a lot of the time, it’s just not a good time. 

Number one tip – don’t take it personally. Instead, use it as a first step to begin reaching out on other platforms such as Linkedin or email. When reaching out, use statements like: “Hey (first name), I tried your cell…” tell them the reason for your call (one to two sentences on the problem you solve), then ask for a better time to speak. 

“I tell myself after each hangup; It’s all good maybe they’re having a bad day.” – Jocy Mejia, Senior Lead Generation Solution Architect

  1. Reach out to Team Members for Reassurance

You and your fellow SDRs have the same goal; successful connections and conversations. If you are having a hard day, someone on your team may be experiencing the same thing. At DemandZEN, we encourage our SDRs to vocalize their need for motivation within their team. We even have a Slack channel that is commonly used for this exact purpose! Most of the time, no asking for inspiration is needed. All day, our remote teams encourage each other. 

“Motivation in this industry goes a long way. Sometimes we get into a slump, but when setting meetings lifts you and shows interest in your calling efforts, it gives us more motivation to do our best. In the end, the best is all we have, but sometimes we don’t see the best in ourselves that others see. So when we see what others see, it makes a big difference.”Jocy Mejia

  1. Keep Moving Forward, Envision that Successful Call

All you can do is keep pushing, and keep calling. Envision that successful conversation, and that conversation will come! It’s essential to envision a positive future outcome even when the present situation is a bit challenging. Your ability to be resilient is what will get you through the day and keep you motivated to make the next conversation a great one!

“Each hangup I tell myself, on to the next, they will answer, they will answer my qualifying questions, and they will be qualified!” -Jocy Mejia

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