How Your Team Can Succeed While Working Remotely

Succeed While Working Remotely

Working from home isn’t necessarily a new thing. However, in 2020, more people than ever find themselves doing it. Working remotely brings its own unique set of challenges that you might not find in a regular workspace. That being said, it also has benefits – especially for SDR teams. The key to unlocking these benefits is good structure and management, so you can succeed while working remotely.

So, how can you set your SDR team and yourself up for success?

DemandZen owners Bart Bartlett & Amanda Moore

Maintain a consistent schedule.

A schedule goes a long way in helping you succeed while working remotely. The goal here is to minimize the amount of decisions that your SDR team has to make. A set schedule helps them settle in for the day and stay on task.

A consistent schedule includes a start time, meal breaks, and set time blocks for both phone and administrative tasks. And it’s important to note: sticking to the schedule is just as important as creating it. 

In other words, if you’ve blocked off a certain time for work, don’t get up in the middle of that time block to go run the dishwasher. You and your team will be more likely to stay focused when you aren’t switching between personal and work priorities. Keep personal things for before and after your scheduled work time.

“Go to work” every day.

Keeping as much structure as possible is important when trying to succeed while working remotely. A great way to do this is by going to work every day – even when “work” is home.

You and your team can do this by getting up and getting dressed before starting your day. You might not need to put on a full suit at home, but working remotely still warrants some kind of change. Changing out of pajamas and into designated work clothes helps your brain recognize the workday has, indeed, started.

The second part of this is having a designated office space. Even if you aren’t able to have a typical desk set up, you can still designate a “work zone” in your home. Maybe it’s your kitchen table or your back patio, but, wherever it is, you know that when you’re there, it’s work time.

Once you pick this space, keep it organized! Eliminating clutter helps keep your mental space clear, too..

Develop a work flow that works.

When it comes to developing a workflow for your team and for yourself, you obviously want it to work. This means that you need to make it as specific as necessary while keeping it as general as possible. 

Set clear expectations for your team and yourself by defining what it looks like to be successful each day. Creating a workflow like this gives everyone something to easily follow, which means everyone is more likely to succeed.

Empower teamwork and collaboration while working remotely.

When you work from home, you lose out on the social aspect of the office. Of course, times are different right now and the normal socializing options aren’t as readily available. However, just because things are different doesn’t mean teamwork and collaboration aren’t still important.

It’s important that your team (and you!) still feel part of a unit. Something as simple as starting the day with a daily sales meeting can set the tone for the rest of the work day.

Creating smaller teams within your team provides for opportunities to collaborate closely. By creating opportunities for questions and collaboration, the whole team is more likely to succeed while working remotely.

Working remotely has its challenges, no doubt. If it’s not something you were doing before this year, you’re probably having to figure it out as you go. But, if you can figure out how to succeed while working remotely, you’ll have a competitive edge over your competition. 

If you’re looking to take the stress of appointment setting off of your team while you’re working remotely, check out all that DemandZen has to offer.

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